With many years of experience listening to a remarkable amount of digital music, I suddenly realized what the best way is to listen to your MP3. Most people categorize music files by singer, e.g. naming folders with “Vivian Chow”, “Michael Jackson”, “S.H.E” etc. Ask yourself this question: are you building a database? or are you going to add 200 Stefanie Sun’s songs to your playlist and fill your brain with her voice for a whole day? A more proper way: naming folders with data and time, e.g. “2007.10”, which means songs in this folder were your favorites in October 2007, or those you played the most during the time. Then, these songs not just sound bytes anymore; they’ll be you memory stimulator. Years later when you play it again, you’ll find even the slightest bit of memory, mood and attitude is flushing like irresistible. Joy or sadness, they all come back as if they happened yesterday. A fantastic thing really.
– Written by me in 2010